Free Business Quiz!
Take our free business health quiz and discover where your business stands—identify strengths, spot opportunities, and get the support you need to thrive!
It sounds like you are running a thriving business – Let’s keep refining and stay ahead! Keep in mind there is always slack and maybe Small Business Life Support could help you lose that slack!
You have some strong areas – But there’s room to improve. Maybe Small Business Life Support could help you bridge the gap to becoming a thriving business!
#1. Do you have a professionally designed website?
#2. Is your website mobile-friendly and fast-loading?
#3. Do you regularly back up your business data?
#4. Is your business email secure and professional?
#5. Do you have IT support available for troubleshooting?
#6. Are you posting consistently on social media?
#7. Do you track engagement and performance metrics?
#8. Is your branding consistent across all platforms?
#9. Do you use hashtags and trends effectively?
#10. Do you interact with comments and messages daily?
#11. Do you have a professional logo and branding?
#12. Are your marketing materials (business cards, brochures, etc.) consistent?
#13. Do you have high-resolution versions of your logo and branding files?
#14. Do you use consistent fonts and colors across all materials?
#15. Are your business emails and signatures branded?
#16. Do you have a clear business roadmap for the next 6 months?
#17. Are you tracking your business expenses and profits accurately?
#18. Do you have an effective marketing plan?
#19. Do you use automation or software to streamline business tasks?
#20. Have you reinvested profits into business growth strategies?